Story of seasons a wonderful life muffy
Story of seasons a wonderful life muffy

story of seasons a wonderful life muffy

Guide Dang It!: The PS 2 version had a secret to allow you to have a female child, however to do so you had to speak to the jar inside the sprite's home one-hundred times.And since you can sell it to Van for 100G a pop, it's a good way to get some quick money. It turns out that if you try to cook something with only Ruby's Spice allows you to duplicate the spice. Good Bad Bugs: If you befriend Ruby (one of the innkeepers, Rock's mother), she will give her her special spice.Eventually you get the ability to turn crops into seeds, which becomes the easiest way to get money in the game selling hybrid tree seeds instead of the fruit.

story of seasons a wonderful life muffy

Game-Breaker: The high price of tree seeds is supposed to be justified by the fact that they continually regrow fruit.Your Child: " Dad, have you ever took a bath with Mom?" The funnniest one of them all has to be this little gem. Funny Moments: Sometimes your child in A Wonderful Life may say something humourous.Not to mention that they can have their own personality depending on who you married and how you raised them. Unlike previous and some later titles, your child can grow up past a toddler and finish as an adult. Your child, moreover the mechanics surrounding them.Some players were disappointed that you were not able to marry her even in Special Edition. Harvest Moon DS corrected this by using Lumina's adult design from the start. She's was initially fourteen, then retconned to being sixteen (eighteen outside of Japan) in Another Wonderful Life and Special Edition after being Promoted to Love Interest. In regards to Lumina's age, she's not eleven or twelve years old as many fans would think.You can get a daughter randomly, though more likely you will get a son.

story of seasons a wonderful life muffy

You also don't need to do the Harvest Sprites' trick to get a daughter. The mistake is due to how similar Lumina's son looks to the daughter as a toddler. Even the Wiki made that mistake before giving separate entries for Lumina's son and your daughter. In actuality, you can have a son or daughter with any wife. It's often assumed for Special Edition that you can only get a daughter if you married Lumina.The audience growing up helped as well, due to needing a more mature mindset to understand her. While she was demonized for her sultry mannerisms and starting with the most hearts even though she just met you at first, it took some time for the fans to realize that she is a nice girl. Character Perception Evolution: Over time, Muffy became this to the fans.Maybe it was a bad trip from eating the mushrooms by the tree. The situation is never delved further and you are left alone in the forest afterwards. Suddenly it cuts to the butler out in the forest charging up and attacking the local yeti, apparently trying to steal the little lock of hair it has on its head to be made into a paintbrush. Lumina then asks her butler in privacy to do her a favor. One night Van might visit Romana's house and an event comes up where he tries to purchase a painting on her wall, she refuses and it is revealed that Lumina painted it. Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: A really really weird moment.

story of seasons a wonderful life muffy

Some find them to be ugly compared to the ones in other games, while others appreciate there's more diversity and not just a bunch of pretty boys like the other games.

  • The designs of Forget-Me-Not Valley bachelors in general are very polarizing.
  • Base-Breaking Character: Is Rock a lazy moron or does he have Hidden Depths? Him being Lumina's love interest, and the way he treats her in their Heart Events, only adds the debate.
  • The game lacks seasonal tracks, or really music at all besides your farm and during scenes, but makes up for it with records (especially Quiet Breeze).
  • Awesome Music: Most of the soundtrack, as is standard for the series.
  • Players who pursued Celia as Mark think differently of Marlin than those who pursued him as Pony.
  • As fans got older, many of them ended up switching their opinion of her and see her in a more sympathetic light, even if they didn't marry her.
  • Many fans view Muffy as promiscuous, while others note usually the ones that married her refer to her simply being unlucky in love and thus dating multiple men in a relatively short period.
  • Accidental Innuendo: Muffy's line "I always get romantic ideas on hot summer nights." is likely supposed to be chaste.

  • Story of seasons a wonderful life muffy